LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's vision is an Australia, and world, free from stigma and discrimination, with healthy lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities.
LGBTIQ+ Australians have poorer health outcomes than the rest of the population. This is due to ongoing discrimination, exclusion and social isolation which negatively impact their mental and physical health. Additionally, the diverse needs of LGBTIQ+ people are not being adequately addressed in policy, research and services.
Our funding
We are funded through the Australian Government Department of Health to undertake a number of activities to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people in Australia.
Additional donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to strengthen the national voice for LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing and build the capacity of health services to work effectively for LGBTIQ+ people.