Silver Rainbow: Ageing and Aged Care
Historically, LGBTI people have a shared experience of discrimination and prejudice. Many LGBTI elders have experienced violence, isolation, and stigma throughout their lives. These elders often do not or cannot disclose their identities or histories to services and can remain invisible in the aged care sector and broader community.
The Silver Rainbow project is designed to improve the experiences of LGBTI people as they age and enter the Australian aged care system. Australia was the first country to have a National LGBTI Ageing & Aged Care Strategy. Combined with other legal reforms, this has resulted in the ageing and aged care sector being increasingly focused on inclusive practice, but more work is needed to meet the health and wellbeing needs of LGBTI elders.
Through this project, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia educates service providers, policy makers, LGBTI people and the general community about how to meet the needs of LGBTI elders. We also connect LGBTI elders to services and resources. Together we are working to ensure aged care services are inclusive of the diverse genders, bodies, sexualities and relationships of older Australians.
Call for Input: Draft National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People
The Australian Government has released the Draft National Plan to End the Abuse and Mistreatment of Older People. LHA is seeking input from LGBTI older people, (chosen) family, friends, supporters and aged workers about their experiences and views of elder abuse.
Submission to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs on the Aged Care Bill
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) provided comments in September to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs on the Aged Care Bill. LHA supports the development of a person-centred, aged care legislative framework.
Webinar series: Older LGBTI People with Dementia
Join us for an informative webinar series tailored for aged care providers. Each session will focus on case study discussions, offering practical tools and insights to enhance support for LGBTI clients.
Silver Rainbow factsheets to support older LGBTI people
The Silver Rainbow program aims to improve the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people as they age and enter the Australian aged care system.
The ten factsheets below have been created for aged care workers to provide guidance on how to support LGBT people in aged care.
LGBTI and dementia scoping review summary
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia in partnership with Dementia Support Australia commissioned the Institute for Health Transformation, Deakin University, to complete a scoping review of the needs, service access and current practices to support LGBT+ older adults living with cognitive impairment and dementia.
National LGBTIQ+ Palliative Care Community of Practice
In 2020, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) received funding through the National Palliative Care Projects grant, through the Department of Health and Aged Care, to deliver several capacity building initiatives to improve the experiences of LGBTIQ+ people and their loved ones accessing palliative and end-of-life care.
November 2022 Policy and Research Webinar: LGBT Older People and Homelessness
The webinar focuses on the report Out of the Closet, Out of Options: Older LGBT people at risk of homelessness.
Submission to the Select Committee on Work and Care
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia lodged a submission in response to the Select Committee on Work and Care’s inquiry on how combining work and care responsibilities will impact the wellbeing of workers, carers, and those they care for.
Factsheet: LGBTI People and Dementia
This factsheet is specifically for aged care workers to provide guidance on how to support LGBTI people living with dementia in aged care.
Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Carers Leave
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety identified a lack of support for informal (unpaid) carers, including challenges balancing their caring role with work and other commitments.
Ageing Fabulously: A podcast for the aged care sector
A podcast from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia giving aged care workers insight into issues important to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) older people.
Older LGBTI people and the digital divide
Teresa Savage, a consultant in LGBTIQ+ ageing and health and our Project Manager Roundtable and Digital Health, looks at how the digital divide is affecting older LGBTI people's access to healthcare
Earlier this year LHA held the 4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care 2022. The event was attended by 34 participants from all Australian states and territories, including older LGBTI community representatives, Silver Rainbow partners (who deliver the Silver Rainbow program on behalf of LHA), key ageing and aged care organisations and observers from relevant government departments.
Silver Rainbow Webinar: Older LGBTI people and accurate data collection
Why does accurate data collection for LGBTI older people matter and how can we take steps to create more inclusive data collection?
Report of the 4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care 2022
This report focuses on the recommendations that emerged from the 4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care in February 2022 and includes initiatives carried over from the previous Roundtable.
Your data, your privacy: Using My Health Record securely
Teresa Savage, a consultant in LGBTIQ+ ageing and health and our Project Manager Roundtable and Digital Health, looks at how everyone, especially older LGBTI people, can keep their My Health Record data safe and secure
Do you use My Health Record? Are you worried about your privacy?
Webinar: Older Lesbians' Experiences of Ageing in Rural Tasmania
With increased attention on the importance of safe and inclusive ageing and aged care, what are the specific needs of older lesbians in rural communities?
A recap of the 4th National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care Roundtable
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's Ageing and Aged Care Project Officer Franky Lander-McLeod recaps our 4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care
On the 9th and 10th of February LHA and the Silver Rainbow team hosted the 4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care. We were joined by industry experts, representatives from advocacy bodies, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia member organisations and beloved members of the LGBTI community to discuss key issues that directly affect the health and wellbeing of LGBTI older persons.
LGBTI and Dementia: Understanding Changes in Behaviour
Understanding why a person with dementia is experiencing changes in behaviour is critical to developing effective person-centred care. When caring for an LGBTI person with dementia, the right background and knowledge can be lacking.
Can digital health improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people?
Teresa Savage, a consultant in LGBTIQ+ ageing and health and our Project Manager Roundtable and Digital Health, writes about the potential for digital health services to improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people in rural and regional Australia.
Submission to the government consultation on Choice in Residential Aged Care
The Australian government is reforming aged care in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia broadly supports the proposed change but believes it is not sufficient.
Aged Care and Community Sector urges Australian Government to implement rights-based aged care act
A broad coalition of aged care and community sector organisations are urging the Australian Government to build on its current reform agenda and commit to implementing a rights-based Aged Care Act that embeds older people's rights at its core.
Listening to LGBT Seniors
"I don’t want to be treated differently, just included."
Aged Care Inclusive Practice Poster
This free-to-download 'You are welcome here' poster helps aged care service providers communicate to clients that LGBTI people are welcome at their service.
Aged Care Inclusive Practice Poster
This free-to-download 'You are welcome here' poster helps aged care service providers communicate to clients that LGBTI people are welcome at their service.
Findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and its Impact on LGBTIQ+ People
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) welcomes the public release of the much-awaited Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
LGBTI Older People Housing Community Consultations
Housing for the Aged Action Group are hosting community consultations to hear about your housing needs now and into the future.
Impact of COVID-19 on Older LGBTI Australians
A diverse group of 17 older self-identified LGBTI people were recruited to describe their experience of living in self-isolation.
Submissions: Royal Commission into Aged Care
The entire aged care system needs to be re-designed so that LGBTI older people are at the centre of the system rather than resorting to ‘safety nets’ or adding things onto the system to make it inclusive.
LGBTI People and Dementia
This guide was prepared by Dementia Australia for LGBTI people living with dementia, their families, friends and care partners.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Begins Second Round of Consultations about Aged Care Services
In 2019, the National LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex) LGBTIQ+ Health Australia ran a series of consultations with LGBTI elders and older people, friends, family members, allies, carers, aged care workers and representative organisations.
Silver Rainbow: LGBTIQ+ Aged Care Awareness Training
The Silver Rainbow LGBTI Aged Care Awareness Training Project is managed by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and is delivered collaboratively with project partners across every state and territory in Australia. It is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health until 2026.
COVID-19: Royal Commision into Aged Care Update
The Alliance has been funded to represent the views, experiences and aspirations of older LGBTI people utilising the aged care system.
Dementia Australia Resources
Dementia Australia advocates for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers. They have developed a suite of resources for LGBTI people with dementia, their families and carers, and services providers. Follow the link below to access the full set of resources.
Rainbow Ageing Papers
Rainbow Ageing is a national research project that aims to provide new data on the health and well-being of older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Australians.
3rd National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care
In October 2019, thirty-five delegates attended the 3rd National Roundtable on Ageing and Aged Care. This meeting produced some clear directions for the Alliance to work towards in the ageing and aged care space.
Cycle of Invisibility Resource
The cycle of invisibility is a model for understanding exclusion and invisibility for LGBTI people. This resource was developed by Silver Rainbow for aged care workers, however it can be easily used by other sectors.
The Rainbow Makers
This resource highlights the importance of culturally safe aged care services and the power of aged care service providers to make a difference to the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI) elders and older people.
Webinar: LGBTI Older People and Ageing
The ageing population in Australia is dramatically increasing demand for ageing and aged care services. Older LGBTI Australians have lived through a time in the nation’s history when they suffered stigma, discrimination, pathologisation, criminalisation, family rejection and social exclusion and isolation.
Tango Project Report
The Tango Project was launched in 2017 by Dr Catherine Barrett, Director of Alice’s Garage. The aim of the project is to address the difficulties (including abuse and discrimination) that LGBTI elders face on the basis of their LGBTI identities.
10 Questions to Ask About LGBTI Residential Aged Care
This brochure is designed to help you when deciding which residential aged care home meets your needs.
Safeguarding the End of the Rainbow
This guide tailored for older LGBTI community members on how to plan for future care and medical needs, finances and estate, and funeral and burial wishes.
Aged Care Diversity Framework
The Aged Care Diversity Framework is a high-level document that provides guidance to service providers, consumers, government and peak bodies on how to adequately address the specific needs of all people with diverse characteristics and life experiences.
Carer Gateway: The Starting Point for Carer Advice
Each day in Australia, millions of people provide care and assistance to another person needing help to go about their everyday lives.
Developing an LGBTI Inclusive Practice Policy
This factsheet provides a list of key issues and questions that service providers should use to cover in their policies to ensure that their service meets the needs of older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex.
Working with LGBTI People: Elders
Resource for how health practitioners, organisations and service providers can increase inclusive practice to meet the needs of LGBTI Elders.
Choosing an LGBTI Inclusive Ageing and Aged Care Service
A multipurpose tool to support people who are beginning to access ageing & aged care services. The factsheet provides a series of questions that can help people to decide if a service is LGBTI inclusive.
The Facts: Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence
This factsheet provides some information for LGBTI elders regarding elder abuse and domestic violence, including a number of contacts to seek additional help.