IDAHOBIT 2022: A Call to Action
This year, IDAHOBIT is just days before the 2022 Federal Election. IDAHOBIT is observed on 17 May each year and aims to raise awareness for ending discrimination against LGBTIQ+ people. Ending stigma, discrimination, and violence against LGBTIQ+ people and communities requires systemic change and specific support for diverse LGBTIQ+ communities.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia calls on candidates to commit to tackling health disparities
With a federal election due to be called, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is calling on all parties and independent candidates to commit to nine priorities to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people and communities.
Read moreFederal Labor commits to 15 community sector workers in LGBTIQ+ community organisations
This media release was originally released by Linda Burney MP, Shadow Minister for Families and Social Services, and Senator Jenny McAllister, Shadow Assistant Minister for Communities and the Prevention of Family Violence
An Albanese Labor Government will provide dedicated funding to LGBTIQ+ community organisations to employ specialist domestic violence workers, ensuring LGBTIQ+ people receive appropriate family and domestic violence support.
Read moreLGBTIQ+ Health Australia Budget Submission 2022-2023
The Australian Federal Budget for 2022-23 will be put to Parliament on Tuesday 29 March.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) has called on the Government to invest in removing address serious LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing disparities in a strategic and targeted way.
Read moreLGBTIQ+ health peak body calls for great care to be taken when discussing the Religious Discrimination Bill this week
With the Federal Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill being debated in Parliament this week, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is calling for politicians, media and others to take care when commenting in the public domain. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is urging those commenting to consider the negative impacts that continued public attention on the Religious Discrimination Bill has had and will have on the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people and communities.
Read moreLGBTIQ+ Health Australia Submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia have lodged a submission regarding the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, and to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee.
Read moreAMA releases new position statement on LGBTQIA+ health
The AMA has released a position statement calling for an end to discrimination against people who are LGBTQIA+ in the healthcare system, including patients and health care workers.
Read moreSnapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics for LGBTIQ+ People
Although many LGBTIQ+ Australians live healthy and happy lives, research has shown that a disproportionate number experience poorer mental health outcomes and have higher risk of suicidal behaviours than their peers.
Read moreLGBTIQ+ Health & Wellbeing Policy Priorities 2021
LGBTIQ+ people are a priority population in multiple national health and wellbeing strategies, and there is an urgent need for greater national coordination and investment. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia worked closely with our member organisations to provide a submission to the Federal Budget, and to develop recommended Priority Policies for 2021.
Read moreImpact of COVID-19 on Older LGBTI Australians
A diverse group of 17 older self-identified LGBTI people were recruited to describe their experience of living in self-isolation.
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