LGBTIQ+ people are a priority population in multiple national health and wellbeing strategies, and there is an urgent need for greater national coordination and investment. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia worked closely with our member organisations to provide a submission to the Federal Budget, and to develop recommended Priority Policies for 2021.
In January 2021 LGBTIQ+ Health Australia provided our submission to the Federal Budget consultations. The January 2021 submission is available here. Issues highlighted within this submission have been further developed throughout our Policy Priorities 2021 .
Download 2021 Policy Priorities
We've updated our 2021 Snapshot for LGBTIQ+ communities. Find out more.
Download 2021 Policy Priorities
Those priority issues were confirmed feedback and endorsed at the 11th Health In Difference and 5th National LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care conferences by 370+ delegates. The issues discussed and endorsed are available within two conference communiques available below.