LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) has partnered with Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) to develop a Joint Statement to affirm the rights and needs of LGBTI older people.
This statement is an invitation to aged care providers to affirm the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all older people in Australia, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and other sexuality, gender and bodily diverse (LGBTI) people.
Aged care providers that sign up to the statement are signalling a willingness to build their capacity to provide safe and appropriate care to LGBTI older people, both home based and residential care. This requires services and practices that are inclusive and respectful, and embrace the enormous diversity of LGBTI older people’s backgrounds, life experiences and individual characteristics.
The journey of providing inclusive care to LGBTI older people will be easier for some aged care providers than others. It requires identifying areas of current operations that may be harmful and discriminatory towards LGBTI older people, their families and friends. It requires developing alternative policies and practices where LGBTI older people feel safe and assured.
Signing up to the Joint Statement allows aged care providers to publicly signal their intention to reflect and improve. It is a step toward developing services that are high quality, safe and appropriate. It provides a connection to the work of the Silver Rainbow program for training and building the capacity of the aged care sector to provide quality care to older LGBTI people.
Find out more by watching our Launch Webinar or sign up here.
This Joint Statement is not an accreditation process and does not verify that signatory organisations meet any standards in relation to providing quality care to LGBTI older people.
Use this menu to learn more or sign up to the statement