LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) is seeking expressions of interest from LGBTI older people to participate on LHA’s Silver Pride Advocacy Network, Living Experience Advocacy Panel (LEAP).
The LEAP currently consists of five LGBTI older people and LHA is seeking up to five additional members. LHA is looking to have a diverse range of LGBTI older people on the LEAP and to provide members with training to support their activities.
Members of the LEAP draw on their lived experience to:
- provide advice to LHA on internal projects aimed at LGBTI older people
- participate in external consultations about ageing and aged care. This is to inform policy and program development that meets the needs of LGBTI older people.
LHA is seeking expressions of interest from LGBTI older people who can draw on their:
- experience of being lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people
- knowledge and experience of ageing which may include seeking support from the aged care system.
Learn more about the Silver Pride Advocacy Network here
You can find further information on the LEAP here (PDF)
The closing dates for expressions of interest is Tuesday 25 February 2025.
Register your expression of interest (online form)