There has been increasing recognition of LGBTI populations within mental health and suicide prevention, and work has begun to ensure that programs and services are inclusive of and accessible to LGBTI people.
However, for many, their knowledge and understanding of LGBTI people is minimal, and so this task is daunting and not prioritised. To support confidence in aiming for LGBTI inclusive practice, this webinar will cover introductory information to support an increased understanding of LGBTI people and communities and will provide an overview of what is known about the mental health and wellbeing outcomes for this population.
Sally Morris is the Project Coordinator of the MindOUT National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project, delivered by the National LGBTI Health Alliance. Sally has worked in the MindOUT project since 2011 and has been coordinating the project nationally since joining the Alliance in September 2015. Prior to working in the MindOUT project, with a background in human services Sally has a long history of being involved in the mental health sector and LGBTI communities since beginning as a volunteer telephone counsellor in 2005. Sally has a Bachelor of Social Science (Human Services), and currently undertaking a Masters of Development Practice (Community Development) through the University of Queensland.