Sydney Queer Muslims is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing social support, education and resources to individuals and families in NSW.
We advocate for better access to mental health care and safer pathways for people escaping family violence. This webinar will highlight some key issues affecting LGBTQ+ Muslims in Sydney as well as what Sydney Queer Muslims is doing to address them. Specifically, we will be discussing a recent pilot project that Sydney Queer Muslims conducted with the support of National LGBTI Health Alliance that allowed us to increase our capacity to help our community
In addition to teaching anthropology at Macquarie University, Dr Siobhan Irving is an executive committee member of Sydney Queer Muslims, where she serves as the non-profit group’s academic advisor. Her research interests focus on perceptions of sexuality and sexual healthcare within Muslim communities in both Singapore and Sydney, Australia. Drawing upon her research that explores the experiences of Muslims of diverse genders and sexualities, Siobhan assists in developing outreach programs and activities at Sydney Queer Muslims to help the group better support LGBTQ+ Muslims.