LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and National Ethnic Disability Alliance are inviting responses to this request for tender (RFT) from creative design agencies for the provision of marketing, videography, storytelling support and social media promotion services.
The project aim is to build the individual and collective capacity of LGBTIQ+ PWD to strengthen existing knowledge and skills to increase social connection, self-advocacy and community engagement, to contribute to the longer-term aim of improved health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ PWD.
Download the full tender document below. You can contact Rob Hardy, Director – Training & Capacity Building for more information.
About LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and National Ethnic Disability Alliance
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA), is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality, gender and bodily diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities.
National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) is a national Disabled People's Organisation (DPO) that advocates federally for the human rights of people with disability (PWD), and their families. This includes people with disability from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) and non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB). NEDA is a founding member of Disabled People’s Organisations Australia, which are organisations constituted and governed by PWD.