LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing research network
Steering Committee Terms of Reference
Adopted: 27 May 2021
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) established the Steering Committee for practical and strategic advice in developing an effective and sustainable LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing research network.
LHA is establishing the LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing research network to ensure:
- Researchers and research organisations working in the LGBTIQ+ sector are connected.
- Existing LGBTIQ+ research can be readily located through a centralised online resource.
- Quality and appropriate research for LGBTIQ communities is supported, with coordination to fill gaps, minimise duplication, strengthen findings.
- An authoritative voice for LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing research is established which contributes to the development of evidence-based policy and good practice.
The steering committee may provide LGBTIQ+ Health Australia with strategic direction and advice on all aspects of the LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing research network, including:
- Building an effective network of relevant research, researchers and research organisations.
- The nature of on-line and/or off-line tools and forums to support the network.
- Undertaking promotions and media.
- Developing a long-term governance framework for ongoing sustainability, including funding.
It is anticipated that steering committee members may host the networking forums and play a lead role promoting the network.
LHA is ultimately responsible for the successful delivery of the project and maximising its benefits.
Membership of the Steering Committee aims to include a broad base of researchers:
- Providing geographic spread across Australia.
- Reflecting the range of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer + research.
- Incorporating a range of key intersections for the areas of sex characteristics, gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as ageing, Aboriginality, disability, CALD, asylum seekers and refugees, young people and socio-economic status.
- Covering a diversity of research experience and organisations, especially community based.
- Prioritising leading researchers and research organisation with a strategic view.
- Including LGBTIQ+ Health Australia representation.
The Steering Committee will include approximately ten members to balance need for diversity with a practical working size. Numbers may be varied as required.
LHA will maintain a list of Steering Group members and may update membership in line with these objectives following consultation with the current Steering Committee membership.
Steering Committee members commit to:
- preparing for, attending and participating in scheduled meetings wherever possible to maintain continuity and consistency
- maintaining focus on the agreed scope, outcomes and benefits of the Network
- open and honest discussions
- fostering collaboration and unity
- championing the development of the Network
- making timely decisions and taking action so as to not hold up agreed actions
- monitoring and managing factors outside the Committee’s control that are critical to the Network’s success
- notifying members of the Committee as soon as practical if any matter arises that may affect the development and success of the Network
- Protecting confidential and sensitive information or documents received from the LHA or members of the Steering Committee and research network.
- Disclosing any conflicts of interest and working with LHA to manage or resolve the conflict.
- The Steering Committee may meet as often as required with regular meetings scheduled approximately six-weekly via Zoom. It is likely that meetings will occur less frequently as the project progresses.
- LAH will set agendas based on project needs and input from the Steering Committee.
- The Steering Committee may nominate one of its members to chair meetings. In the absence of a chair nominated by the Committee, an LHA representative will chair the meetings.
- A meeting quorum will be 50 per cent of members.
- Decisions will made by consensus (i.e. members are satisfied with the decision even though it may not be their first choice). If not possible, the chair will make a final decision.
- LHA will prepare and circulate agendas and supporting papers, prepare notes and support the operation of the committee.
- Subgroup meetings may be arranged at a time convenient to subgroup members via Zoom and coordinated by LHA.
The Steering Committee and these Terms of Reference are initially operation from 1 February 2021 until 31 January 2022.
Amendment, Modification or Variation
This Terms of Reference may be amended, varied or modified after consultation and agreement by Steering Committee members.