LGBTIQ+ Health Australia provided a written submission for the 2021/22 Federal Budget, highlighting health disparities that LGBTIQ+ people experience remaining the same or getting worse.
This submission has been informed by consultations that included LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s (LHA) member organisations, and other relevant stakeholders such as service providers and research centres.
Currently, there is a lack of national coordination and investment in LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing, despite being identified as a priority population in a number of national strategies. This submission recommends that LHA is funded to better execute its peak role and engage at the national level to improve the health outcomes for LGBTIQ+ communities.
Significant data and knowledge gaps on the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people remain. LHA calls for investing in a further interrogation of existing data sets, and embedding the ABS 2020 Standard for Sex, Gender, Variations in Sex Characteristics, and Sexual Orientation Variables into data sets across the health system.