LHA has provided a submission to the Department of Health’s consultation on The Residential Care Service List. This list is an important framework for service providers and potential residents to understand what services residents may be able to receive at no extra charge when in a residential aged care service.
To most effectively support LGBTI older people to receive quality care while in a residential aged care service, the services offerings must be inclusive, culturally appropriate and provided in a non-discriminatory manner.
As the discussion paper states, need must be assessed by a competent health professional. It is important that the broadest scope of professionals are able to make assessment of need, such as recreational and occupational therapists, as well as, psychologists and psychiatrists.
To ensure that LGBTI older persons’ needs are appropriately assessed, health professionals need to be supported and trained to understand LGBTI people’s needs, explaining particulars that may be unfamiliar to health professionals, given that often LGBTI peoples’ experiences and needs do not conform with traditional gender-notions and expectations.