We are seeking video submissions from teachers and teaching support staff who support LGBTIQ+ young people in their community. Successful applicants will have their video submission included in a larger Suicide Prevention webinar around how we can make schools safe communities for LGBTIQ+ students, staff and families. Successful applicants will also be paid $200 for their submission.
Due date: 9am 21st of March
Payment: $200
Requirement: 10-15 minute video submission
Who can apply?
- Education staff who are part of the LGBTIQ+ community.
- Education staff who are not part of the LGBTIQ+ community but actively work to support LGBTIQ+ students.
- Parent/s who are LGBTIQ+ and interact with school communities.
Video requirements:
To be successful, please submit a 10-15 minute video answering the following questions:
- What is your name, pronouns and what Aboriginal land are you on?
- Tell us about a time when your school, or your child’s school, was inclusive of you as an LGBTIQ+ person? (please deidentify this information) OR Tell us about a time when a school environment failed to do this for you. What do you wish happened instead?
- If you could give 1 piece of advice to schools about how to be inclusive of LGBTIQ+ people, what would you say?
What is this for?
This content will be included as part of an hour and a half webinar session on how school environments can be inclusive of LGBTIQ+ students, staff and families. It will be released in April as part of MindOut Australia’s LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention forum.
Who will view this?
The webinar will be available to anyone who registers for the event in April and will also be recorded and uploaded to our website and youtube channel. Please note this is a National project that is publicly accessible, so it may be likely that people who know you will see.