Advocacy and Reports
Rainbow Realities: In-depth analyses of large-scale LGBTQA+ health and wellbeing data in Australia
Rainbow Realities was launched on Tuesday 9 April at LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's 12th Health in Difference Conference in Canberra by The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Health and Aged Care.
Submission on New Model for Regulating Aged Care
The Australian Government aims to “place older people in Australia at the centre of regulation, increasing protections and empowering them to exercise their rights in the context of a reformed and improved aged care system.” LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) supports this aim and is seeking practical strategies to achieve it for older LGBTI people.
Submission on New Model for Regulating Aged Care
The Australian Government aims to “place older people in Australia at the centre of regulation, increasing protections and empowering them to exercise their rights in the context of a reformed and improved aged care system.” LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) supports this aim and is seeking practical strategies to achieve it for older LGBTI people.
National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy
The National Mental Health Commission is developing a National Stigma and Discrimination Reduction Strategy on behalf of the Australian Government. It aims to ensure stigma and discrimination on the basis of mental ill-health are not barriers to people living long and contributing lives.
Submission on National Dementia Action Plan
The Department of Health Ageing consulted on the 10-year draft National Dementia Action Plan. LHA supports the Plan’s aim of putting people living with dementia, their families, and carers at the centre of all action on dementia.
Submission on an Australian Centre for Disease Control
Over recent years, Australia has responded to significant public health emergencies, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic. The federal government is establishing an Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to improve ongoing response to these emergencies.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Budget Submission 2023-2024
The Australian Federal Budget for 2023-24 will be put to Parliament in May.
LHA submission to the Australian Cancer Plan
Cancer Australia, on behalf of the Australian Government, is developing the ten-year Australian Cancer Plan.
November 2022 Policy and Research Webinar: LGBT Older People and Homelessness
The webinar focuses on the report Out of the Closet, Out of Options: Older LGBT people at risk of homelessness.
Pride & Pandemic: Health experience and coping strategies among LGBTQ+ people during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia
Pride and Pandemic is a joint study between La Trobe University's Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia.
Submission to the Select Committee on Work and Care
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia lodged a submission in response to the Select Committee on Work and Care’s inquiry on how combining work and care responsibilities will impact the wellbeing of workers, carers, and those they care for.
Submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into Carers Leave
The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety identified a lack of support for informal (unpaid) carers, including challenges balancing their caring role with work and other commitments.
Silver Rainbow Webinar: Older LGBTI people and accurate data collection
Why does accurate data collection for LGBTI older people matter and how can we take steps to create more inclusive data collection?
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Budget Submission 2022-2023
The Australian Federal Budget for 2022-23 will be put to Parliament on Tuesday 29 March.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) has called on the Government to invest in removing address serious LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing disparities in a strategic and targeted way.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia have lodged a submission regarding the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, and to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee.
Submission to the government consultation on Choice in Residential Aged Care
The Australian government is reforming aged care in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia broadly supports the proposed change but believes it is not sufficient.
Gender affirming surgery in Australia: an evidence brief
Surgery is a fundamental aspect of how many trans people affirm their gender and maintain wellbeing, with access often significantly improving quality of life.
Beyond Urgent: National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's second National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy, and it comes at a critical juncture for LGBTIQ+ people in Australia.
Sharing a story with the Disability Royal Commission?
It’s a good idea to get legal advice if you have questions about things like privacy or naming the person or organisation that hurt you.
Walkern Katatdjin Rainbow Knowledge: Phase 1 Report
Find out more and download the Walkern Katatdjin (Rainbow Knowledge) Phase 1 Community Report.
Analysis: Final Report of Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence
Analysis: Final Report of Inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence: a snapshot of where LHA recommendations have been adopted and where there is still work to be done.
Response to the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability Issues Paper
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Issues Paper addressing barriers to inclusion of LGBTIQ+ people with disability.
Snapshot of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Statistics for LGBTIQ+ People
Although many LGBTIQ+ Australians live healthy and happy lives, research has shown that a disproportionate number experience poorer mental health outcomes and have higher risk of suicidal behaviours than their peers.
National Suicide Prevention Adviser Final Advice Response
Analysis: National Suicide Prevention Adviser Final Advice to Government and Productivity Commission’s Final Report
LGBTIQ+ Health & Wellbeing Policy Priorities 2021
LGBTIQ+ people are a priority population in multiple national health and wellbeing strategies, and there is an urgent need for greater national coordination and investment. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia worked closely with our member organisations to provide a submission to the Federal Budget, and to develop recommended Priority Policies for 2021.
Submission on the National Strategy to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse Final Development Consultation Paper
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) welcomes the explicit recognition of LGBTQIA+ communities as a priority target group and the invitation for continued dialogue and engagement.
New Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020 Standard
New Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard for Sex, Gender, Variation of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020 ('2020 Standard').
Writing Themselves In 4 National Report
The ongoing and significant impact of stigma, discrimination, violence and abuse on LGBTQA+ people’s lives has been confirmed by Writing Themselves In 4, despite recent legal and social progress towards acceptance.
Submission for the Federal Budget 2021/22
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia provided a written submission for the 2021/22 Federal Budget, highlighting health disparities that LGBTIQ+ people experience remaining the same or getting worse.
Submission to the Department of Health’s Consultation Paper
The National LGBTI Health Alliance has responded to the Department of Health’s Consultation Paper on the development of a National Preventive Health Strategy.
Our presentation to the Disability Royal Commission
On the 9 Dec 2020, we presented to the Disability Royal Commission around issues relating to employment. We talked about the experiences of LGBTIQ+ people with disability accessing employment and the EmployableQ Toolkit which helps organisations become more inclusive and accessible.
Submission: NDIA Support Coordination
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is reviewing whether an organisation providing Support Coordination for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant should also be able to provide other funded supports.
Submission to Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
Submission to Family Violence Inquiry
Letter from the LGBTI Health Alliance to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs' inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence - 24 July 2020.
Impact of COVID-19 on Older LGBTI Australians
A diverse group of 17 older self-identified LGBTI people were recruited to describe their experience of living in self-isolation.
Submissions: Royal Commission into Aged Care
The entire aged care system needs to be re-designed so that LGBTI older people are at the centre of the system rather than resorting to ‘safety nets’ or adding things onto the system to make it inclusive.
Writing Themselves In Publications
Writing Themselves In is the largest national study series exploring the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ young people in Australia.
COVID-19: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Programs and Policy Page
After consideration of the current advice that is being provided with regard to coronavirus and ways to reduce transmission, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities, has decided to:
COVID-19 and LGBTI Communities
The Australian Federation of AIDS Arganisations and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia call for health practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the health needs of LGBTIQ+ people are considered across all responses to the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19: Royal Commision into Aged Care Update
The Alliance has been funded to represent the views, experiences and aspirations of older LGBTI people utilising the aged care system.
Statement on Impact of COVID-19: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
After consideration of the current advice that is being provided with regard to coronavirus and ways to reduce transmission, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities, has decided to:
Submission: Religious Discrimination Bill
The Alliance supports the federal government’s commitment to provide comprehensive protection from discrimination for people of faith in areas of public life, provided that these laws do not sanction and enable new forms of discrimination against LGBTI people.
Submission: Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Mental Health
We welcome the release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report, and its recognition that LGBTI people are more likely than the general population to face stigma and discrimination, and that we are highlighted as a population group at higher risk of poor mental health and suicidal behaviours.
Rainbow Ageing Papers
Rainbow Ageing is a national research project that aims to provide new data on the health and well-being of older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Australians.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Recognises Impact of Trauma on those Affected by the Bushfire Crisis
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Welcomes Productivity Commission Report into Mental Health
3rd National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care
In October 2019, thirty-five delegates attended the 3rd National Roundtable on Ageing and Aged Care. This meeting produced some clear directions for the Alliance to work towards in the ageing and aged care space.
Federal Government Must Ensure LGBTI People are Counted in the 2021 Census – Joint Statement
Joint Statement in Support of LGBTI Inclusion in the 2021 Census
Working Together to Prevent Suicide: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Statement on World Suicide Prevention Day
Today (10 September 2019) marks World Suicide Prevention Day across the globe and provides a unique opportunity to collectively shine a light on suicide prevention both politically and at a community level.
Statement from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia in Response to the Federal Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill
Friday 30 August 2019
“Loving Beyond Labels” Sydney Queer Muslims Inc.
Sydney Queer Muslims is a volunteer-based non-profit organisation that has been supporting queer Muslims in the greater Sydney area since its incorporation in 2017.
Preliminary Results of the Coping with Marriage Equality Debate Survey
Between 16 October to 14 November, independent think-tank The Australia Institute and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia ran a questionnaire as part of a study to assess the effect of the Postal Survey on the LGBTIA community and its allies.
The provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition. Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS – Mental Health Terms of Reference 2017.
As part of the committee’s inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the committee will inquire into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition.
Darlington Statement: Joint Consensus Statement from the Intersex Community
The Darlington Statement is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, signed in March 2017.
Supporting Same-Sex Attracted Gender Diverse Young People Multicultural Multifaith Backgrounds
This research project involved conducting a case study analysis of the needs of same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people of multicultural and multifaith backgrounds, and how these needs can be addressed by government, and by their cultural and religious communities.
White Paper: ‘Making the Count: Addressing Data Integrity Gaps in Australian Standards for Collecting Sex and Gender Information’
The 2016 Standard for Sex and Gender Variables has yet to incorporate some key recommendations made to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and participating community organisations.
Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Rights
Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental human rights that belong to all people, irrespective of sexual orientation, gender identity or because they are intersex.
Nothing for Them
This report is the result of a small study undertaken to explore services and referral pathways, if any, currently available for refugee and newly arrived young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans or those who may be questioning their sexual feelings and/or gender identity.
The first Australian National Trans Mental Health Study
The first national trans mental health study was a cross-sectional study of trans people living in Australia in 2013.
LGBTI Data 2013
‘Developing an evidence-informed environment for health policy’ – Discussion Paper 2013
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's Constitution 2022
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's Constitution 2022
Diversity in Health
In April 2012, individuals and organisations from across Australia were invited to participate in a ground breaking National Health Roundtable organised by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia to address the collective priorities for transgender, intersex and other people of diverse sex and gender.
The Bisexuality Report 2012: Bisexual Inclusion in LGBT Equality and Diversity
An important report on bisexuality from the Centre for Citizenship, Identities and Governance and Faculty of Health and Social Care – The Open University.