Community Resources
Webinar: Older LGBTI People with Dementia: Understanding Changes in Behaviour in Residential Care Settings - Part 2
On Wednesday 13 November, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted the second part of its two-part webinar series on older lgbti people with dementia.
Policy and Research Webinar: Our Voices Have Changed the World
On Wednesday 13 November, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted an eye-opening webinar featuring Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Rights in Ageing Inc. (GRAI) groundbreaking publication, “Our Voices Have Changed the World”—a captivating series of interviews with older LGBTI individuals sharing their powerful journeys of love, resilience, and activism.
Webinar: Older LGBTI People with Dementia: Understanding Changes in Behaviour in Residential Care Settings
On Wednesday 06 November, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted the first part of its two-part webinar series on older lgbti people with dementia.
Webinar: MRFF Insights: Transforming LGBTIQA+ health through leading research - Part 2
On Thursday, 17 October, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted the second part of its two-part symposium, showcasing groundbreaking health and medical research aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ communities in Australia.
Webinar: MRFF Insights: Transforming LGBTIQA+ health through leading research - Part 1
On Thursday, 10 October, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted the first part of its two-part symposium, showcasing groundbreaking health and medical research aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ communities in Australia.
Webinar: LGBTIQA+ primary health care priorities in Western Australia: Insights for advocacy and action
On Wednesday, 18 September, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia hosted a powerful discussion on LGBTIQA+ primary health care priorities in Western Australia, offering key insights for advocacy and action.
Policy and Research Webinar: Data Diversity - Can the ABS Standard transform LGBTIQ+ policy and planning?
This webinar explores how the ABS 2020 Standard being used to improve data collection on LGBTIQ+ communities.
Webinar: Unleashing potential: co-design strategies for LGBTIQ+ communities
This webinar is an exploration of co-design, featuring the 7-step process developed by Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele.
Webinar: Transforming Tasmania: Lessons in LGBTIQA+ Health, Wellbeing and Equality
In 2024, Tasmania is a leading state in LGBTIQ+ equality and policymaking — a significant improvement from being the worst Australian jurisdiction for these issues only a few years ago.
Webinar: Walkern Katatdjin Working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ young people
Join us for LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's February policy and research webinar, exploring what 'Walkern Katatdjin' tells us about working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ young people.
Webinar: Translating findings from the ‘Out with Cancer’ study into training materials
Join us for LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's first webinar of 2024, which delved into understanding cancer in LGBTIQ+ communities.
Webinar: Advocating for Change, Advancing Best Practice: Reflections on AusPath 2023
The recent Australian Professional Association for Trans Health (AusPATH) conference explored ‘Advocating for Change, Advancing Best Practice’. In this webinar, for those who missed the conference and those who want more, organisers and leading participants explore key messages, thought-provoking content and new learnings. It will ask, 'where to from here?'
Webinar: Empowering Diversity: Aged Care Reforms for LGBTI older people
Join us for a groundbreaking webinar as we delve into Australian aged care reforms following the Royal Commission, focusing on how they can positively impact the lives of LGBTI older people. Will they deliver a future of inclusivity, respect and personalised support?
2022 Palliative Care Scoping Review
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia recently conducted a Scoping Review that looked at the existing literature on palliative and end-of-life care for LGBTIQ+ communities from 2016-2020.
Webinar: the Lean On Me report
This live webinar panel, chaired by Amber Loomis of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, explores the recently released Lean on Me report from La Trobe University. The report revealed that the responsibility for providing suicide prevention in LGBTQ communities in Melbourne frequently falls on peers with little or no training in responding to a mental health crisis. This ARCSHS report, funded by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN), explores how LGBTQ individuals experiencing mental health concerns turn to their peers.
Webinar: It's all about pronouns, right?
Join Nevo Zisin (Melbourne) in conversation with Naavikaran (Brisbane), Liesel Hughes (Perth), and Amber Loomis (Sydney) talk about their lived experience of multiple identities beyond the binary.
Census 2021: Webinar and FAQs
Australia's census night is on 10 August. Find out how the 2020 ABS Standards can be used to improve data collection for LGBTIQ+ communities.
R U OK's LGBTIQ+ Conversation Guide
R U OK? has developed a conversation guide that contains tips to help you know when and how to ask someone who is gender, bodily or sexuality diverse, “Are you OK?” in a safe and supportive way.
COVID-19: Individual and Community Care for LGBTI People
This is a central resource space for our diverse LGBTI community members.
LGBTI People and Dementia
This guide was prepared by Dementia Australia for LGBTI people living with dementia, their families, friends and care partners.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Calls for Intergenerational Support During the COVID-19 Crisis
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia supports government advice to all older LGBTI people to stay at home during this COVID 19 crisis.
2020 Webinar Series: LGBTI Experiences of COVID-19
COVID-19 Impacts | The National LGBTI Health Alliance: 2020 Webinar Series
Intersex for Allies
Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) provides useful information to help allies understand the intersex spectrum and many experiences of intersex people.
'LGBTI' People and Communities
10 Questions to Ask About LGBTI Residential Aged Care
This brochure is designed to help you when deciding which residential aged care home meets your needs.
Safeguarding the End of the Rainbow
This guide tailored for older LGBTI community members on how to plan for future care and medical needs, finances and estate, and funeral and burial wishes.
Webinar: LGBTI People and the NDIS
MindOUT and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have worked together to create a webinar resource targeting LGBTI people who are or will be accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Carer Gateway: The Starting Point for Carer Advice
Each day in Australia, millions of people provide care and assistance to another person needing help to go about their everyday lives.
Choosing an LGBTI Inclusive Ageing and Aged Care Service
A multipurpose tool to support people who are beginning to access ageing & aged care services. The factsheet provides a series of questions that can help people to decide if a service is LGBTI inclusive.
The Facts: Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence
This factsheet provides some information for LGBTI elders regarding elder abuse and domestic violence, including a number of contacts to seek additional help.