Workforce Resources
National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy
The National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy - Beyond Urgent is a plan for strategic action to prevent mental ill-health and suicide, and promote good mental health and wellbeing for LGBTIQ+ people and communities across Australia.
Webinar: LGBTIQ+ Body Pride: Navigating body image and eating disorders
The LGBTIQ+ community is disproportionately impacted by eating disorders and body image concerns.
Factsheet: LGBTI People and Dementia
This factsheet is specifically for aged care workers to provide guidance on how to support LGBTI people living with dementia in aged care.
Webinar: Older Lesbians' Experiences of Ageing in Rural Tasmania
With increased attention on the importance of safe and inclusive ageing and aged care, what are the specific needs of older lesbians in rural communities?
Factsheet: Understanding Suicide Among Trans and Gender Diverse People
Many transgender and gender diverse people live happy and healthy lives; however, some also experience a higher burden of poor mental health and rates of suicidality than the general population.
LGBTI and Dementia: Understanding Changes in Behaviour
Understanding why a person with dementia is experiencing changes in behaviour is critical to developing effective person-centred care. When caring for an LGBTI person with dementia, the right background and knowledge can be lacking.
Guidance to support gender affirming care for mental health
This guide from the ACT Government and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia member Meridian Health is designed to support providers of mental health care to be able to deliver their services in a gender-affirming way to support the needs of trans and/or gender diverse people.
Building service capacity to work with LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
This online training module by the Forcibly Displaced People Network is designed to increase the capacity of various community services in providing affirming, safe and inclusive support for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people.
National Lived Experience Peer Workforce Development Guidelines
The National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines are the result of extensive consultation and a co-production process to ensure that national standards for Lived Experience workforce development are grounded in the expertise of lived experience.
Fact Sheet: Intersectionality and Youth Mental Health
Orygen fact sheet for professionals working with young people.
"Intersectionality describes how multiple social aspects of identity, such as gender, race and sexuality, intersect or interact with each other. Intersectionality is about seeing a person as a whole, and encourages thinking beyond discrete labels that make up someone’s identity and experience in the world."
Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Grief and Trauma Support Services poster & brochure
Australian Government Department of Health: poster outlines the grief and trauma support services available for those living, working and caring in the aged care sector who have been impacted by COVID-19.
Aged Care Inclusive Practice Poster
This free-to-download 'You are welcome here' poster helps aged care service providers communicate to clients that LGBTI people are welcome at their service.
WEBINAR: LGBTQA+ Conversion Practices in Australia
This webinar explored the history and impact of LGBTQA+ conversion practices in Australia. Recorded 31 March 2021.
Aged Care Inclusive Practice Poster
This free-to-download 'You are welcome here' poster helps aged care service providers communicate to clients that LGBTI people are welcome at their service.
Tips for best practice for co-design and inclusive principles.
AU LGBTIQ+ People, Mental Health and the NDIS
LGBTIQ+ People, Mental Health and the NDIS. Recording of the live webinar dated 5th November 2020. The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community managed mental health organisations in New South Wales.
The EmployableQ Disability Employment Inclusion Toolkit
The EmployableQ toolkit provides a non-prescriptive set of resources to guide and support organisations to build inclusive, welcoming, and safe workplaces for LGBTIQ+ people with disability. The Toolkit is underpinned by the 4 Pillars of Inclusion Framework:
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Practice Guide for Homelessness and Housing Sectors in Australia
This document outlines guidance on inclusive practice for agencies in Australian homelessness and housing sectors working with clients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer or questioning (LGBTIQ+).
Current Evidence For Good Practice In Suicide Prevention For LGBTIQ+ People
This report provides an overview of evidence from 2010 to 2020 for good practice in suicide prevention for LGBTIQ people. It largely focuses on peer-reviewed literature from 2018 onwards.
Webinar: We can all respond to suicide
This webinar explores the importance and benefits of creating LGBTIQA+ specific learning environments to build suicide awareness and response skills – for, with and within our own communities.
Out with cancer - Webinar
In this webinar, join Professor Jane Ussher from the ‘Out with Cancer’ Study, and a panel of LGBTQI+ people with lived experiences, to discuss preliminary study findings, including photo-voice, interview and survey results.
Member Training Courses
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is a member-based organisation. Many of our Full Members provide LGBTIQ+ training and professional development in their local regions throughout Australia. This is a list of training opportunities currently available through our member organisations across Australia.
LGBTI Organisations and Policy: COVID-19
This is a central place for LGBTI organisations (the full members of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia) that are working to support LGBTI people throughout the changing COVID-19 environment.
Health and Wellbeing Services: COVID-19
We hope the referrals below can support your service to continue delivering to lgbti communities during the covid-19 viral pandemic.
MindOUT Webinar: Affirmative Practice During COVID-19
Just in time for IDAHOBIT, see how you can reduce discrimination in the workplace for LGBTI folk, and celebrate your LGBTI peers
Understanding the Differences: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People
Each letter in ‘LGBTI’ contains a diverse range of real people, living real lives. This factsheet describes what each of the letters mean.
Transgender Writers and/or Writers with Intersex Variations in Australia
The List of Transgender Writers and/or Writers with Intersex Variations provides a database of people that are available for commissioned writing and also sensitivity services.
Silver Rainbow: LGBTIQ+ Aged Care Awareness Training
The Silver Rainbow LGBTI Aged Care Awareness Training Project is managed by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and is delivered collaboratively with project partners across every state and territory in Australia. It is funded by the Commonwealth Department of Health until 2026.
Equal not the Same: Introduction to LGBTIQ+ Mental Health & Suicide Prevention
LGBTIQ+ people are over-represented in mental health statistics of anxiety and depression, and have an increased risk of self-harm and suicide due to their experiences of stigma, discrimination, prejudice, abuse, violence, exclusion and isolation.
MindOUT Webinar: Sydney Queer Muslims
Sydney Queer Muslims is a non-profit organisation dedicated to providing social support, education and resources to individuals and families in NSW.
Network Mindout Webinar: 25 Years of LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Connection
Bfriend is one of the last remaining LGBTQA+ specific services in SA, currently operated by two part-time workers and housed in Uniting Communities, one of the largest NGOs in the state.
MindOUT Webinars List
MindOut webinars critically engage with topics related to mental health and suicide prevention for LGBTIQ+ people.
MindOUT Webinar: The Impact of Bisexual+ Invisibility on Mental Health
Bisexual+ people are thought to be the largest group in the LGBTIQ+ population, yet are commonly misunderstood by mainstream society and often invisible in the broader LGBTIQ+ discourse.
Dementia Australia Resources
Dementia Australia advocates for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers. They have developed a suite of resources for LGBTI people with dementia, their families and carers, and services providers. Follow the link below to access the full set of resources.
MindOUT Webinar - Building Resilience: Working and Belonging in the LGBTI Community
During, and since the marriage equality debate a lot of the self-care advice given to LGBTI community members was about getting off social media and taking a break from the negative comments, but for people who work in the community this wasn’t always possible.
MindOUT Webinar - Black and Brown Queers: Pushing back on the Whiteness of Multiculturalism
A purely statistical analysis will never be able to tell the full story on LGBT suicide.
MindOUT Webinar - Communicating about Mental Illness and Suicide in LGBTI Communities
While there is currently no population-based data on completed suicides by LGBTI people in Australia, recent research has indicated that mental ill-health, self-harm, suicide attempt and suicidal ideation rates amongst LGBTI people are disproportionately higher than that of the general population.
MindOUT Webinar - Reflections from the Brisbane North PHN LGBTI Suicide Prevention Trial
This webinar provides an overview of the work of the Brisbane North Primary Health Network (PHN) has been undertaking in the delivery of the National Suicide Prevention Trial.
MindOUT Webinar - Building Intersex Peer Support
A Gender Agenda is unique in Australia for resourcing both an intersex peer support and an intersex project worker position, the result of which is a one of a kind peer support model that can set a new standard for LGBTQ organisations.
MindOUT Webinar - Affirmation in Action: A Conversation about LGBTIQ+Affirmative Practice
Affirmative Practice is a term we hear about increasingly in our work with diverse populations.
MindOUT Webinar - A Critical Development Approach to Working with Transgender and Non-Binary Young People
This webinar aims to provide attendees with an overview of the mental health needs of transgender and non-binary young people, before outlining an approach to working with transgender and non-binary young people that is mindful of both their diverse needs, and those of their parents.
Cycle of Invisibility Resource
The cycle of invisibility is a model for understanding exclusion and invisibility for LGBTI people. This resource was developed by Silver Rainbow for aged care workers, however it can be easily used by other sectors.
The Rainbow Makers
This resource highlights the importance of culturally safe aged care services and the power of aged care service providers to make a difference to the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI) elders and older people.
Suicide Prevention Australia partnering with The LGBTI Health Alliance for the development of LGBTI Suicide Prevention Good Practice Guidelines. This synthesis informed the development of the pending LGBTI Suicide Prevention Good Practice Guidelines.
MindOUT Webinar - Intersectional Identities: LGBTIQ people with Disabilities
Join LGBTIQ disability rights educator Jax Jacki Brown for an engaging and informative presentation that will provide you with new perspectives on disability, and how we can be agents of change in creating a more accessible and inclusive society.
MindOUT Webinar - Developing LGBTIQ Inclusive Practice within Mainstream Mental Health Service
National mainstream mental health service providers have a particular responsibility to develop strategies, projects and policies that move beyond ’treating everyone the same’, to consider the unique circumstances of oppression, marginalisation and discrimination that can impact the access of marginalised people and communities to services.
Webinar: LGBTI Young People
LGBTI people are most likely to realise and explore their identities and experiences during their childhood and adolescence. Along with increasing social acceptance of LGBTI people, LGBTI young people are choosing to be visible at a younger ages than previously possible.
Webinar: LGBTI Families
LGBTI families, like all families, come in many different forms, and as with any family, the membership and structure of LGBTI families can change over time.
Webinar: Intimate Partner and Family Violence
While we know that intimate partner and family violence are risk in any relationship, for LGBTI people it may be more invisible because of the compounding impact of LGBTI relationships being less recognisable to service providers and the lack of inclusion of LGBTI relationships in relevant research.
Webinar: Alcohol and Drug Use
LGBTI people and communities use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at elevated rates compared to the broader population, and are significantly more likely to experience drug dependence.
Webinar: LGBTI Older People and Ageing
The ageing population in Australia is dramatically increasing demand for ageing and aged care services. Older LGBTI Australians have lived through a time in the nation’s history when they suffered stigma, discrimination, pathologisation, criminalisation, family rejection and social exclusion and isolation.
MindOUT Webinar - Culturally and Linguistically Diverse LGBTI People
Ethnic identity is a person’s sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group. This involves participating in and negotiating that group’s cultural, religious and other traditions, beliefs and values.
MindOUT Webinar - GPs Role in Supporting LGBTI Mental Health
LGBTI people have disproportionately high levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Ruth will describe some of these issues, and differences for different sub-groups including for example, gender diverse, and bisexual people.
Tango Project Report
The Tango Project was launched in 2017 by Dr Catherine Barrett, Director of Alice’s Garage. The aim of the project is to address the difficulties (including abuse and discrimination) that LGBTI elders face on the basis of their LGBTI identities.
MindOUT Webinar - Introduction to LGBTI Mental Health
There has been increasing recognition of LGBTI populations within mental health and suicide prevention, and work has begun to ensure that programs and services are inclusive of and accessible to LGBTI people.
Aged Care Diversity Framework
The Aged Care Diversity Framework is a high-level document that provides guidance to service providers, consumers, government and peak bodies on how to adequately address the specific needs of all people with diverse characteristics and life experiences.
MindOUT Webinar - Barriers to Healthcare Experienced by Trans Young People
This webinar outlines the issues faced by trans young people accessing medical and mental health services in Australia.
MindOUT Webinar - Nonsuicidal Self-Injury within LGB Communities
Why do people self-injure? The urge to cut, scratch, rub, tear and burn our skin seems in direct contrast to our innate instincts of self-preservation and survival.
Timeline of LGBTI ageing & aged care in Australia
This page provides a very brief timeline of LGBTI ageing & aged care in Australia. We acknowledge those who have worked for decades towards the gains that we are beginning to see today.
MindOUT Webinar - LGBTIQ+ Young People’s Mental Health Help Seeking and Digital Cultures
This webinar considers how health services, including mental health services, could better accommodate the needs of young people with diverse gender and sexual identities.
MindOUT Webinar - Transgender People in the Northern Territory
This presentation delivers an overview of Dr Kerry’s book: Trans Dilemmas. Living in Australia’s Remote Areas and in Aboriginal Communities, published by Routledge in September 2017.
MindOUT Webinar - Online Panel Discussion: The Progression of LGBTI Populations within Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy, Policy and Programmes
LGBTI people and communities have been slowly gaining increased recognition of their mental health and suicide outcomes, however, LGBTI populations are still relatively invisible in mental health and suicide prevention strategies, policies and frameworks, and thus excluded from project and programmes responses.
MindOUT Webinar - An Introduction to the LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy
This webinar describes, explores and discusses the details of the content of the 2016 National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy that was developed for an Australian context to systematically address the dramatic over-representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people in measures of suicidality and mental ill-health.
MindOUT Webinar - An Australian First: Research Factors Related to Suicide Death in LGBT People: Implications for Practice
This webinar will discuss results of a research project that investigated factors related to suicide death in LGBT populations in Australia.
Anti-Homophobia & Inclusion Framework for Australian Sports
This Anti-homophobia & Inclusion Framework sets out a structure for the development of anti-homophobia & inclusion policies to be adopted by five peak sports bodies; the Australian Rugby Union, Australian Football League, National Rugby League, Football Federation Australia and Cricket Australia.
MindOUT Webinar - Facilitating an Anxiety Support Group for LGBTI People
Way Ahead Mental Health Association of NSW facilitates Anxiety Disorders Support Group that comprise of a small number of people who come together to share personal experiences and information in a safe, friendly and supportive environment, led by a trained volunteer group facilitator.
MindOUT Webinar - Considerations when Providing Mental Health First Aid to an LGBTIQ Person
This webinar will present the guidelines that were developed by Mental Health First Aid Australia and the University of Melbourne, with assistance from the National LGBTI Health Alliance, MindOUT project.
Developing an LGBTI Inclusive Practice Policy
This factsheet provides a list of key issues and questions that service providers should use to cover in their policies to ensure that their service meets the needs of older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex.
MindOUT Webinar - Intersex Human Rights: Addressing Harmful Practices and Rhetoric of Change
In the “Reproductive Health Matters” Journal Morgan Carpenter wrote a piece entitled Intersex Human Rights: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change.
MindOUT Webinar - Understanding Intersex
This webinar session aims to develop individual practitioner and organisational capacity to understand and provide inclusive psychosocial services to their clients with intersex variations.
MindOUT Webinar - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for LGBTIQ People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Regrettably, a significant body of research supports the view that LGBTIQ individuals have a higher per capita level of risk of mental illness, self-harm and suicide. For a variety of factors their life journey can be much more difficult to navigate.
Working with LGBTI People: Data Integrity
Inclusive and appropriate data collection promotes data integrity. When we have data integrity, we can increase social cohesion and improve health outcomes.
Working with LGBTI People: People & Families
LGBTI families face stigma in society and sometimes from healthcare providers.
Working with LGBTI People: Young People
The majority of LGBTI young people consider themselves to be happy and satisfied with their lives, however they are also more likely to experience social exclusion, isolation, rejection, bullying, discrimination, inequality, harassment and violence due to stigma regarding LGBTI people.
Working with LGBTI People: Intimate Partner and Family Violence
While we know that intimate partner and family violence are risks in any relationship, for LGBTI people it may be more invisible because of the compounding impact of LGBTI relationships being less recognisable to service providers.
Working with LGBTI People: Alcohol & Drugs
Members of LGBTI communities use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at elevated rates compared to the broader population and are
significantly more likely to experience drug dependence.
Working with LGBTI People: Elders
Resource for how health practitioners, organisations and service providers can increase inclusive practice to meet the needs of LGBTI Elders.
MindOUT Webinar - LGBTI People, Alcohol and Drugs and Mental Health
LGBTI people have specific experiences when it comes to alcohol and drug use and mental health.
MindOUT Youth Project Report
The MindOUT! Youth Project brought together ten LGBT specialist youth services from around Australia to document and celebrate the amazing work they already do with LGBT young people.
Employers’ Guide to Intersex Inclusion
This guide for employers, business managers, diversity and HR Professionals aims to introduce intersex and provide practical
assistance to help build intersex inclusive practice. It is mostly aimed at employment practice, but much of the material will also help build inclusive service delivery.
Working Therapeutically with LGBTI Clients: A Practice Wisdom Resource
This manual draws from the consulting room experience of a number of psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors who have worked with a broad range of sex, sexuality and gender diverse clients.
Going Upstream: A Framework for Promoting the Mental Health of LGBTI People
This document provides a framework to guide the development and implementation of strategies that promote mental health and wellbeing in LGBTI Australians. The document draws on a growing body of Australian and international research and identifies key factors known to influence mental health for these communities.
Championing Inclusion: A Guide to Creating LGBTI Inclusive Organisations
This resource draws on learnings from the Champions pilot project facilitated by MindOUT! in 2013-14. It provides a framework for organisations wishing to instigate a LGBTI Champions project across a diverse range of workplaces and groups, including mental health and suicide prevention services and organisations.
Cultural Competency Implementation Framework
This document is designed to support mainstream mental health and suicide prevention services to better provide for LGBTI communities. The aim of the Framework is to ensure that these organisations are better able to recognise, understand and meet the specific needs of LGBTI people.
Pathways to Inclusion
This paper provides a framework for providers of mainstream mental health and suicide prevention organisations to better recognise, understand and meet the specific needs of LGBTI people.