We are currently seeking expressions of interest for a content review and update of our LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention E-Module.
1. About LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, (formerly the National LGBTI Health Alliance), is the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focussed on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities.
Through LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s Mindout program, we develop and deliver national suicide initiatives that aim to improve the mental health and reduce the risk of suicide for LGBTIQ+ people and communities. Through strategic partnerships and collaboration Mindout builds the evidence, develops resources, and provides training, support and guidance to the mental health and suicide prevention sectors to improve their ability and capacity to be responsive to the support and wellbeing needs of LGBTIQ+ people and communities. Mindout E-module is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health National Suicide Prevention Leadership and Support Program.
2. LGBTQI+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Introductory E-module
Developed in 2018, this E-module was developed to provide a basic Introduction to the LGBTIQ+ inclusive language, lived experience of LGBTIQ+ people and communities, and LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. This provides a baseline understanding, which is recommended to be followed by face -face training. This provides a baseline understanding, which is recommended to be followed by face -face training.
Learning objectives:
- Facilitate & support participant’s basic understanding of diverse bodies, gender, gender identity & sexuality.
- Facilitate and support participant’s development of an awareness of the lived experience of LGBTI people & communities.
- Encourage participants to consider what may be some of the mental health outcomes & needs of LGBTI people.
- Build participant empathy.
Learning outcomes: (At the end of this module, participants should be able to:)
- Describe LGBTI populations & the differences & intersections between these populations.
- Define basic terms in relation to bodies, genders, gender identities & sexualities.
- Explain stigma & discrimination & how it can impact LGBTI people.
- Explain some of the key mental health outcomes of LGBTI people.
Software requirements:
- Our 2018 E-Module is hosted and built within Moodle, it uses HTML5.
- We have a software license for Rise Articulate and there is potential for migrating the new modules to Articulate.
3. Services to be provided by the successful tenderer
The key deliverable is to review and update the content and features of the E-module in line with current research and online training best practice. This will include:
- Updating online content with new LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Branding
- Updating Mental health and suicide statistics and academic research with newly released reports.
- Reviewing the learning objectives and outcomes
- Reviewing the activities and content is in line with best practice
- Adjust pre and post training evaluations if required
4. Selection Criteria
Assessment of EOI Tenderers will be based on the following criteria:
- Understanding of mental health and suicide prevention as they are of concern to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, Queer and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse communities in Australia.
- Demonstrated experience and/or qualifications in developing adult learning programs
- Demonstrated experience/accreditation in developing training in online learning systems (eg Moodle or Articulate)
- Budget and timeline efficiency
5. Submitting Tender EOI
- Addressing selection criteria
- Attaching any examples of previous work or references
- And accreditation details
- Budget and timeline
Expression of Interest’s close Thursday 18th February and to be submitted via the form below.
For more information about the E-module or tasks required please contact: [email protected]