‘Developing an evidence-informed environment for health policy’ – Discussion Paper 2013
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans/transgender and Intersex (LGBTI1) Australians are often neglected in Australian research and monitoring mechanisms. The Census does not allow Australians to record their diverse sex, sexual orientation or gender identity. Most national population research in Australia does not collect LGBTI demographic information, indeed there is no collection whatsoever for intersex or trans/transgender people, and only limited collection for some level of lesbian, gay or bisexual people. Monitoring mechanisms, such as National Minimum Data Sets (NDMS), also fail to capture the necessary information to determine if existing policy initiatives are achieving their desired outcome of improving the health and wellbeing of LGBTI Australians. The ability to identify LGBTI Australians within monitoring and research will assist in ensuring fair government service is provided to all Australians, including LGBTI people.