LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Members' Network Meeting
WED 7 JULY 2021, 2.00PM – 3.30PM (AEDT)
We have set up the MNM as an opportunity to regularly meet with senior program staff in our member organisations - member organisations include:
The Members Network Meeting (MNM) is a meeting of senior managers, program / project managers (at the discretion of organisation) and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) Managers to gather and collaborate on joint action on key topics brought to the meeting.
The Terms of Reference outline the working arrangements for the MNM including its purpose, chair and membership, meeting schedule, level of administrative support and agenda.
- Sav Zwickl: Non-binary inclusion in the LGBTIQA+ community: (Un)Intelligability, (In)Validation and Mental Health
- Mx Jack Thepsourinthone: Furthering the digital divide for LGBTIQ+ older adults: Social, informational, and instrumental uses of the internet during COVID-19.
- Dr Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli, Budi Sudarto: Australian LGBTIQ+ Multicultural Council (AGMC) at the Intersections: “Navigating Intersectionality” Research, Recommendations and Strategy 2020-2023.
We hope you're able to join us, or please invite an alternative representative.
July 07, 2021 at 2:00pm - 3:30pm (AEDT)