We welcome the release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report, and its recognition that LGBTI people are more likely than the general population to face stigma and discrimination, and that we are highlighted as a population group at higher risk of poor mental health and suicidal behaviours.
It’s also reassuring to see the Commission recognising the need to improve access to appropriate services, and to have a well-trained workforce to provide high quality and culturally safe services for all Australians. However, we believe further consideration needs to be given to addressing the root causes of mental ill health among LGBTI populations and the access barriers they face within the mental health system, when developing recommendations for the final report.
The Alliance believes a dismantling of the structural drivers that contribute to the poor mental health of LGBTI people is crucial in order to foster social inclusion of LGBTI people into the fabric of Australian society by reducing discrimination, eliminating violence and removing legal barriers that affect our ability to experience connection. This will inevitably lead to an increase in their economic and workforce participation and enhance productivity and economic growth overall.