Expression of Interest - Paid role for LGBTIQ+ storytellers
MindOut is looking for LGBTIQ+ storytellers, musicians and artists to share their experiences about what LGBTIQ+ leadership looks like in their local community. Successful applicants will have their work included in a larger webinar that looks at LGBTIQ+ leadership - especially within the context of mental health and suicide prevention – and how we can make space for change-makers who are unseen or underrecognized in their communities.
Expressions of Interest: Paid speaking role for Teachers and LGBTIQ+ Parents
We are seeking video submissions from teachers and teaching support staff who support LGBTIQ+ young people in their community. Successful applicants will have their video submission included in a larger Suicide Prevention webinar around how we can make schools safe communities for LGBTIQ+ students, staff and families. Successful applicants will also be paid $200 for their submission.
Register your interest for the Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Way Project
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and the National Ethnic Disability Alliance (NEDA) are developing training, peer support and mentoring activities for LGBTIQ+ people with disability. The training aims to improve your knowledge and skills in advocacy and storytelling.
Request for Tender: Our Voices, Our Lives, Our Way project
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and National Ethnic Disability Alliance are inviting responses to this request for tender (RFT) from creative design agencies for the provision of marketing, videography, storytelling support and social media promotion services.
LGBTI and Dementia: Understanding Changes in Behaviour
Understanding why a person with dementia is experiencing changes in behaviour is critical to developing effective person-centred care. When caring for an LGBTI person with dementia, the right background and knowledge can be lacking.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Budget Submission 2022-2023
The Australian Federal Budget for 2022-23 will be put to Parliament on Tuesday 29 March.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) has called on the Government to invest in removing address serious LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing disparities in a strategic and targeted way.
LGBTIQ+ health peak body calls for great care to be taken when discussing the Religious Discrimination Bill this week
With the Federal Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill being debated in Parliament this week, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is calling for politicians, media and others to take care when commenting in the public domain. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is urging those commenting to consider the negative impacts that continued public attention on the Religious Discrimination Bill has had and will have on the mental health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ+ people and communities.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia tribute to Aunty Vanessa
LGBTIQ Health Australia (LHA) is deeply saddened to hear of the recent passing of Aunty Vanessa, Noongar Sistergirl of the Kaneang people in Western Australia.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia presents The Latest in LGBTIQ+ Health and Policy
With an ambition to bring the latest in LGBTIQ+ health and wellbeing policy to the forefront of the national discussion, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people and other sexuality and gender diverse (LGBTIQ+) people and communities and JOY 94.9 have launched a brand-new podcast today.
EOI: National Palliative Care Co-Design Team
The Department of Health has funded LHA to deliver a three-year project that aims to build the capacity of the palliative care sector to provide inclusive services to LGBTIQ+ people accessing palliative and end-of-life care. This will be achieved through research, training (e-modules for health professionals) and development of Community of Practice groups.
Guidance to support gender affirming care for mental health
This guide from the ACT Government and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia member Meridian Health is designed to support providers of mental health care to be able to deliver their services in a gender-affirming way to support the needs of trans and/or gender diverse people.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Submission on the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia have lodged a submission regarding the Religious Discrimination Bill 2021 to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, and to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee.
4th National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care
This forum will focus on exactly what we need to do to ensure LGBTIQ+ people live fulfilling lives into old age. Outcomes will include recommendations for the Silver Rainbow program and will suggest topics for the development of policy.
Can digital health improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people?
Teresa Savage, a consultant in LGBTIQ+ ageing and health and our Project Manager Roundtable and Digital Health, writes about the potential for digital health services to improve the lives of LGBTIQ+ people in rural and regional Australia.
Building service capacity to work with LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people
This online training module by the Forcibly Displaced People Network is designed to increase the capacity of various community services in providing affirming, safe and inclusive support for LGBTIQ+ forcibly displaced people.
Great day for preventative health of LGBTIQ+ people and communities
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) has welcomed a commitment to health equity in the Federal Government’s 2021-2030 National Preventative Health Strategy (NPHS), and the announcement that LHA is one of the twenty-one health groups across Australia that has been awarded funding under the Health Peak and Advisory Bodies Program.
Expressions of Interest: LGBTIQ+ Champions eModule
Expressions of Interest are now closed - thank you for your interest and stay tuned to find out more. If you have applied, someone from MindOut will be in contact soon, even if your application was unsuccessful.
MindOut Australia is redesigning it’s LGBTIQ+ Mental Health & Suicide Prevention eModule with lived experience voices at the centre of it!
National Lived Experience Peer Workforce Development Guidelines
The National Lived Experience (Peer) Workforce Development Guidelines are the result of extensive consultation and a co-production process to ensure that national standards for Lived Experience workforce development are grounded in the expertise of lived experience.
Annual Report 2020-2021
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's Annual Report for 2020-2021
Expressions of Interest Open for MindOut Training Review and Update
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is seeking applicants to conduct a review and update of MindOut's training offerings.
Expressions of Interest Open for an Evaluation Recommendation-Implementation Consultant
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is seeking an Evaluation Recommendation-Implementation Consultant to assist QLife in the implementation of recommendations from its 2019-2021 evaluation.
AMA releases new position statement on LGBTQIA+ health
The AMA has released a position statement calling for an end to discrimination against people who are LGBTQIA+ in the healthcare system, including patients and health care workers.
Webinar: the Lean On Me report
This live webinar panel, chaired by Amber Loomis of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, explores the recently released Lean on Me report from La Trobe University. The report revealed that the responsibility for providing suicide prevention in LGBTQ communities in Melbourne frequently falls on peers with little or no training in responding to a mental health crisis. This ARCSHS report, funded by North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network (NWMPHN), explores how LGBTQ individuals experiencing mental health concerns turn to their peers.
Submission to the government consultation on Choice in Residential Aged Care
The Australian government is reforming aged care in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. LGBTIQ+ Health Australia broadly supports the proposed change but believes it is not sufficient.
Gender affirming surgery in Australia: an evidence brief
Surgery is a fundamental aspect of how many trans people affirm their gender and maintain wellbeing, with access often significantly improving quality of life.
Aged Care and Community Sector urges Australian Government to implement rights-based aged care act
A broad coalition of aged care and community sector organisations are urging the Australian Government to build on its current reform agenda and commit to implementing a rights-based Aged Care Act that embeds older people's rights at its core.
Expressions of Interest Open for a Digital Mental Health Standards Consultant
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is seeking a Digital Mental Health Standards Consultant to assist QLife in assessing and implementing the National Safety and Quality Digital Mental Health Standards (NSQDMH).
YOUth&I: an intersex youth anthology launch
Join Intersex Human Rights Australian at a free webinar for Intersex Day of Solidarity, on the evening of Monday 8 November, with Steph Lum, Georgia Andrews and Gabrielle Niemeyer.
Listening to LGBT Seniors
"I don’t want to be treated differently, just included."
Beyond Urgent: National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's second National LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy, and it comes at a critical juncture for LGBTIQ+ people in Australia.