National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy: Community survey
The National LGBTI Health Alliance is currently developing its next National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy.
Expression of Interest: LGBTIQ+ Lived Experience Consultation
The National Suicide Prevention Taskforce has partnered with the Expert Advisory Group and the Suicide Prevention Research Fund to commission research that will help to build a better understanding about the lived experience of suicide in Australia to inform recommendations to government.
Webinar: We can all respond to suicide
This webinar explores the importance and benefits of creating LGBTIQA+ specific learning environments to build suicide awareness and response skills – for, with and within our own communities.
MEDIA STATEMENT: National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System website
The National LGBTI Health Alliance welcomes the launch this week of the Department of Health funded website by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), noting that the new system will not be able to monitor everyone.
World Mental Health Month
World Mental Health Day is on Saturday 10 October, and the whole of October is Mental Health Month. That means you can plan 31 days of activities to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
Out with cancer - Webinar
In this webinar, join Professor Jane Ussher from the ‘Out with Cancer’ Study, and a panel of LGBTQI+ people with lived experiences, to discuss preliminary study findings, including photo-voice, interview and survey results.
Submission: NDIA Support Coordination
The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is reviewing whether an organisation providing Support Coordination for a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participant should also be able to provide other funded supports.
Shining a Light on Suicide Prevention: World Suicide Prevention Day
Today (10 September 2020) marks World Suicide Prevention Day across the globe and provides a unique opportunity to collectively shine a light on suicide prevention, to help save lives.
EOI: Silver Rainbow Ageing and Aged Care NSW Tender
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is currently seeking a project partner to undertake the delivery of the Silver Rainbow Ageing and Aged Care sub-contract for New South Wales (NSW) for 2020 - 2022.
Media Statement: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia response to new report on sexual assault in Australia
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia welcomes the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s report on sexual assault in Australia, whilst also expressing concern at the lack of national data available to capture the experiences of LGBTI populations.
Submission to Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability
Jean Hailes and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia promoting good health and wellbeing
We're pleased to announce a community partnership with Jean Hailes for Women’s Health for Women’s Health Week 2020.
‘Check in on your health’ is this year’s message for what is Australia’s biggest week focusing on good health and wellbeing for all women, including LGBTI women and trans and gender diverse people of all ages.
Introducing Daniel Comensoli
To help you learn more about the Alliance and the way we work, we'd like you to meet our team and various community members. Firstly, let us introduce Daniel Comensoli.
Victoria, we stand with you
We know Victorians are hurting right now. Our Victorian communities and members we stand with you.
Submission to Family Violence Inquiry
Letter from the LGBTI Health Alliance to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Social Policy and Legal Affairs' inquiry into family, domestic and sexual violence - 24 July 2020.
Impact of COVID-19 on Older LGBTI Australians
A diverse group of 17 older self-identified LGBTI people were recruited to describe their experience of living in self-isolation.
New phone number – new office location!
New office location, now in Pyrmont.
Submissions: Royal Commission into Aged Care
The entire aged care system needs to be re-designed so that LGBTI older people are at the centre of the system rather than resorting to ‘safety nets’ or adding things onto the system to make it inclusive.
COVID-19: Individual and Community Care for LGBTI People
This is a central resource space for our diverse LGBTI community members.
The Pledge
We have developed the #LGBTIHealthPledge to promote LGBTI inclusive principles and to ensure that LGBTI people are able to access safe, culturally appropriate and affirmative care during this challenging time.
Beta Test our New Website!
We're really excited to reveal our new website - now being beta tested. And we'd love your feedback.
LGBTI People and Dementia
This guide was prepared by Dementia Australia for LGBTI people living with dementia, their families, friends and care partners.
Member Training Courses
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia is a member-based organisation. Many of our Full Members provide LGBTIQ+ training and professional development in their local regions throughout Australia. This is a list of training opportunities currently available through our member organisations across Australia.
LGBTI Organisations and Policy: COVID-19
This is a central place for LGBTI organisations (the full members of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia) that are working to support LGBTI people throughout the changing COVID-19 environment.
Health and Wellbeing Services: COVID-19
We hope the referrals below can support your service to continue delivering to lgbti communities during the covid-19 viral pandemic.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Calls for Intergenerational Support During the COVID-19 Crisis
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia supports government advice to all older LGBTI people to stay at home during this COVID 19 crisis.
2020 Webinar Series: LGBTI Experiences of COVID-19
COVID-19 Impacts | The National LGBTI Health Alliance: 2020 Webinar Series
MindOUT Webinar: Affirmative Practice During COVID-19
Just in time for IDAHOBIT, see how you can reduce discrimination in the workplace for LGBTI folk, and celebrate your LGBTI peers
Media Statement: The National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2019 Key Findings
While there are some signs of improvement for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people since 2010 there is still work to be done.
Understanding the Differences: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex People
Each letter in ‘LGBTI’ contains a diverse range of real people, living real lives. This factsheet describes what each of the letters mean.