COVID-19: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Programs and Policy Page
After consideration of the current advice that is being provided with regard to coronavirus and ways to reduce transmission, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities, has decided to:
Network Mindout Webinar: 25 Years of LGBTQ+ Peer Support and Social Connection
Bfriend is one of the last remaining LGBTQA+ specific services in SA, currently operated by two part-time workers and housed in Uniting Communities, one of the largest NGOs in the state.
MindOUT Webinars List
MindOut webinars critically engage with topics related to mental health and suicide prevention for LGBTIQ+ people.
MindOUT Webinar: The Impact of Bisexual+ Invisibility on Mental Health
Bisexual+ people are thought to be the largest group in the LGBTIQ+ population, yet are commonly misunderstood by mainstream society and often invisible in the broader LGBTIQ+ discourse.
COVID-19 and LGBTI Communities
The Australian Federation of AIDS Arganisations and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia call for health practitioners and medical professionals to ensure the health needs of LGBTIQ+ people are considered across all responses to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Statement on Impact of COVID-19
We know that this is a challenging time for every person. There are particular challenges in our communities, and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia would like offer support in a meaningful way.
COVID-19: Royal Commision into Aged Care Update
The Alliance has been funded to represent the views, experiences and aspirations of older LGBTI people utilising the aged care system.
Dementia Australia Resources
Dementia Australia advocates for the needs of people living with all types of dementia, and for their families and carers. They have developed a suite of resources for LGBTI people with dementia, their families and carers, and services providers. Follow the link below to access the full set of resources.
Statement on Impact of COVID-19: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia
After consideration of the current advice that is being provided with regard to coronavirus and ways to reduce transmission, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people and communities, has decided to:
Submission: Religious Discrimination Bill
The Alliance supports the federal government’s commitment to provide comprehensive protection from discrimination for people of faith in areas of public life, provided that these laws do not sanction and enable new forms of discrimination against LGBTI people.
Submission: Productivity Commission’s Draft Report on Mental Health
We welcome the release of the Productivity Commission’s draft report, and its recognition that LGBTI people are more likely than the general population to face stigma and discrimination, and that we are highlighted as a population group at higher risk of poor mental health and suicidal behaviours.
Rainbow Ageing Papers
Rainbow Ageing is a national research project that aims to provide new data on the health and well-being of older lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Australians.
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Recognises Impact of Trauma on those Affected by the Bushfire Crisis
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Welcomes Productivity Commission Report into Mental Health
3rd National Roundtable on LGBTI Ageing and Aged Care
In October 2019, thirty-five delegates attended the 3rd National Roundtable on Ageing and Aged Care. This meeting produced some clear directions for the Alliance to work towards in the ageing and aged care space.
Census 2021: Share Your Voice with our Template Letter
The National LGBTI Health Alliance has prepared the following letter template for Members, which calls for the meaningful inclusion of LGBTI people in the 2021 Census.
Federal Government Must Ensure LGBTI People are Counted in the 2021 Census – Joint Statement
Joint Statement in Support of LGBTI Inclusion in the 2021 Census
Federal Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill Entrenches Discriminative Access Barriers to Healthcare for LGBTI People
The National LGBTI Health Alliance (the Alliance),the national peak health organisation in Australia for organisations and individuals that provide health-related programs, services and research focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex people (LGBTI) calls for the immediate removal of the Bill’s provisions relating to conscientious objections for health practitioners as they will act as discriminative barriers to LGBTI people in accessing the health care they need.
Working Together to Prevent Suicide: LGBTIQ+ Health Australia Statement on World Suicide Prevention Day
Today (10 September 2019) marks World Suicide Prevention Day across the globe and provides a unique opportunity to collectively shine a light on suicide prevention both politically and at a community level.
Statement from LGBTIQ+ Health Australia in Response to the Federal Government’s Religious Discrimination Bill
Friday 30 August 2019
MindOUT Webinar - Building Resilience: Working and Belonging in the LGBTI Community
During, and since the marriage equality debate a lot of the self-care advice given to LGBTI community members was about getting off social media and taking a break from the negative comments, but for people who work in the community this wasn’t always possible.
“Loving Beyond Labels” Sydney Queer Muslims Inc.
Sydney Queer Muslims is a volunteer-based non-profit organisation that has been supporting queer Muslims in the greater Sydney area since its incorporation in 2017.
'LGBTI' People and Communities
MindOUT Webinar - Black and Brown Queers: Pushing back on the Whiteness of Multiculturalism
A purely statistical analysis will never be able to tell the full story on LGBT suicide.
MindOUT Webinar - Communicating about Mental Illness and Suicide in LGBTI Communities
While there is currently no population-based data on completed suicides by LGBTI people in Australia, recent research has indicated that mental ill-health, self-harm, suicide attempt and suicidal ideation rates amongst LGBTI people are disproportionately higher than that of the general population.