ANZ Institute donates $100,000 to LGBTIQ+ peer support helpline Qlife.
We're extremely grateful to the ANZ Institute for their very generous $100,000 donation to the QLife program.
New Australian Bureau of Statistics 2020 Standard
New Australian Bureau of Statistics Standard for Sex, Gender, Variation of Sex Characteristics and Sexual Orientation Variables, 2020 ('2020 Standard').
Findings of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety and its Impact on LGBTIQ+ People
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia (LHA) welcomes the public release of the much-awaited Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.
Webinar: Launch of LGBTIQA+ Suicide Postvention Response Plan
On behalf of our member organisation Switchboard, LGBTIQ+ Health Australia will host the launch of the LGBTIQA+ Suicide Postvention Response Plan. This webinar aims to support the work of LGBTIQ member organisations when responding to the need of people affected by suicide.
LGBTI Older People Housing Community Consultations
Housing for the Aged Action Group are hosting community consultations to hear about your housing needs now and into the future.
Writing Themselves In 4 National Report
The ongoing and significant impact of stigma, discrimination, violence and abuse on LGBTQA+ people’s lives has been confirmed by Writing Themselves In 4, despite recent legal and social progress towards acceptance.
Expression of Interest: LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention E-Module
We are currently seeking expressions of interest for a content review and update of our LGBTIQ+ Mental Health and Suicide Prevention E-Module.
Submission for the Federal Budget 2021/22
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia provided a written submission for the 2021/22 Federal Budget, highlighting health disparities that LGBTIQ+ people experience remaining the same or getting worse.
Conversations about death & dying
Two End of Life Doulas to talk about the importance of having conversations about death, dying, and end of life planning.
Submission to the Department of Health’s Consultation Paper
The National LGBTI Health Alliance has responded to the Department of Health’s Consultation Paper on the development of a National Preventive Health Strategy.
LGBTQIA65+ Equality At Every Age
Julie McCrossin AM moderates a diverse panel of members from the Rainbow community as they explore the particular characteristics and vulnerabilities of older LGBTQIA+ people and talk about real life examples of elder abuse in their community.
R U OK's LGBTIQ+ Conversation Guide
R U OK? has developed a conversation guide that contains tips to help you know when and how to ask someone who is gender, bodily or sexuality diverse, “Are you OK?” in a safe and supportive way.
New name and Strategic Plan 2021-2023
It’s a new year and we’re launching a new name, and a new Strategic Plan!
Our presentation to the Disability Royal Commission
On the 9 Dec 2020, we presented to the Disability Royal Commission around issues relating to employment. We talked about the experiences of LGBTIQ+ people with disability accessing employment and the EmployableQ Toolkit which helps organisations become more inclusive and accessible.
Annual Report 2019-2020
This is the National LGBTI Health Alliance’s Annual Report for the financial year 2019-2020.
Productivity Commission’s Final Report on mental health, and National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Interim Advice to the Prime Minister
We have today released our formal response to the Private Lives 3 National Report, the Productivity Commission’s Final Report on mental health and the National Suicide Prevention Adviser’s Interim Advice to the Prime Minister.
Transgender Day of Remembrance 2020
Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDoR) is held annually on 20 November to commemorate trans and gender diverse people who have been murdered as the result of transphobia. TDoR was started in 1999 by Rita Hester and is now preceded by Transgender Week of Visibility from 13-19 November.
Expression of Interest: Silver Rainbow Training Review
We're calling for expressions of interest from consultancies to review the current Silver Rainbow training package for the purpose of further building on this important adult learning tool.
Productivity Commission’s final report on mental health, and the interim report from the National Suicide Prevention Adviser
LGBTIQ+ Health Australia, welcomes the federal government’s attention on the mental health and suicide risks of LGBTI people.
2021 Census topics confirm a lack of commitment to LGBTI Australians
The National LGBTI Health Alliance* (the Alliance), remains frustrated that next year’s Census will not include questions on sexual orientation, gender identity, or intersex status, despite a national consensus for this data to be collected.
Private Lives 3 Study
Findings from Australia’s largest national survey of the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people to date, show that our communities are continuing to experience significant disparities across a range of health and wellbeing indicators, and concerning levels of discrimination, harassment and violence, compared to the general population.
AU LGBTIQ+ People, Mental Health and the NDIS
LGBTIQ+ People, Mental Health and the NDIS. Recording of the live webinar dated 5th November 2020. The Mental Health Coordinating Council (MHCC) is the peak body for community managed mental health organisations in New South Wales.
The EmployableQ Disability Employment Inclusion Toolkit
The EmployableQ toolkit provides a non-prescriptive set of resources to guide and support organisations to build inclusive, welcoming, and safe workplaces for LGBTIQ+ people with disability. The Toolkit is underpinned by the 4 Pillars of Inclusion Framework:
LGBTIQ+ Inclusive Practice Guide for Homelessness and Housing Sectors in Australia
This document outlines guidance on inclusive practice for agencies in Australian homelessness and housing sectors working with clients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, and queer or questioning (LGBTIQ+).
Current Evidence For Good Practice In Suicide Prevention For LGBTIQ+ People
This report provides an overview of evidence from 2010 to 2020 for good practice in suicide prevention for LGBTIQ people. It largely focuses on peer-reviewed literature from 2018 onwards.
Intersex Inclusion - How To Be An Intersex Ally
26 Oct is Intersex Awareness Day - and we're supporting two new resources; an Inclusion Guide To Respecting People With Intersex Variations and Raising The Bar How To Be An Intersex Ally.
National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy: Community survey
The National LGBTI Health Alliance is currently developing its next National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy.
Expression of Interest: LGBTIQ+ Lived Experience Consultation
The National Suicide Prevention Taskforce has partnered with the Expert Advisory Group and the Suicide Prevention Research Fund to commission research that will help to build a better understanding about the lived experience of suicide in Australia to inform recommendations to government.
Webinar: We can all respond to suicide
This webinar explores the importance and benefits of creating LGBTIQA+ specific learning environments to build suicide awareness and response skills – for, with and within our own communities.
MEDIA STATEMENT: National Suicide and Self-harm Monitoring System website
The National LGBTI Health Alliance welcomes the launch this week of the Department of Health funded website by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), noting that the new system will not be able to monitor everyone.