Annual Report 2018-2019
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s Annual Report for the financial year 2018-2019.
MindOUT Webinar - Reflections from the Brisbane North PHN LGBTI Suicide Prevention Trial
This webinar provides an overview of the work of the Brisbane North Primary Health Network (PHN) has been undertaking in the delivery of the National Suicide Prevention Trial.
MindOUT Webinar - Building Intersex Peer Support
A Gender Agenda is unique in Australia for resourcing both an intersex peer support and an intersex project worker position, the result of which is a one of a kind peer support model that can set a new standard for LGBTQ organisations.
MindOUT Webinar - Affirmation in Action: A Conversation about LGBTIQ+Affirmative Practice
Affirmative Practice is a term we hear about increasingly in our work with diverse populations.
MindOUT Webinar - A Critical Development Approach to Working with Transgender and Non-Binary Young People
This webinar aims to provide attendees with an overview of the mental health needs of transgender and non-binary young people, before outlining an approach to working with transgender and non-binary young people that is mindful of both their diverse needs, and those of their parents.
Cycle of Invisibility Resource
The cycle of invisibility is a model for understanding exclusion and invisibility for LGBTI people. This resource was developed by Silver Rainbow for aged care workers, however it can be easily used by other sectors.
The Rainbow Makers
This resource highlights the importance of culturally safe aged care services and the power of aged care service providers to make a difference to the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI) elders and older people.
Suicide Prevention Australia partnering with The LGBTI Health Alliance for the development of LGBTI Suicide Prevention Good Practice Guidelines. This synthesis informed the development of the pending LGBTI Suicide Prevention Good Practice Guidelines.
MindOUT Webinar - Intersectional Identities: LGBTIQ people with Disabilities
Join LGBTIQ disability rights educator Jax Jacki Brown for an engaging and informative presentation that will provide you with new perspectives on disability, and how we can be agents of change in creating a more accessible and inclusive society.
MindOUT Webinar - Developing LGBTIQ Inclusive Practice within Mainstream Mental Health Service
National mainstream mental health service providers have a particular responsibility to develop strategies, projects and policies that move beyond ’treating everyone the same’, to consider the unique circumstances of oppression, marginalisation and discrimination that can impact the access of marginalised people and communities to services.
Webinar: LGBTI Young People
LGBTI people are most likely to realise and explore their identities and experiences during their childhood and adolescence. Along with increasing social acceptance of LGBTI people, LGBTI young people are choosing to be visible at a younger ages than previously possible.
Webinar: LGBTI Families
LGBTI families, like all families, come in many different forms, and as with any family, the membership and structure of LGBTI families can change over time.
Webinar: Intimate Partner and Family Violence
While we know that intimate partner and family violence are risk in any relationship, for LGBTI people it may be more invisible because of the compounding impact of LGBTI relationships being less recognisable to service providers and the lack of inclusion of LGBTI relationships in relevant research.
Webinar: Alcohol and Drug Use
LGBTI people and communities use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at elevated rates compared to the broader population, and are significantly more likely to experience drug dependence.
Webinar: LGBTI Older People and Ageing
The ageing population in Australia is dramatically increasing demand for ageing and aged care services. Older LGBTI Australians have lived through a time in the nation’s history when they suffered stigma, discrimination, pathologisation, criminalisation, family rejection and social exclusion and isolation.
Webinar: Introduction to LGBTI People and Communities
In Australia, the Commonwealth Government uses the initials ‘LGBTI’ to refer collectively to people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and/or intersex, which are five distinct but sometimes overlapping groupings.
MindOUT Webinar - Culturally and Linguistically Diverse LGBTI People
Ethnic identity is a person’s sense of belonging to a particular ethnic group. This involves participating in and negotiating that group’s cultural, religious and other traditions, beliefs and values.
Annual Report 2017-2018
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s Annual Report for the financial year 2017-2018.
MindOUT Webinar - GPs Role in Supporting LGBTI Mental Health
LGBTI people have disproportionately high levels of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts. Ruth will describe some of these issues, and differences for different sub-groups including for example, gender diverse, and bisexual people.
Tango Project Report
The Tango Project was launched in 2017 by Dr Catherine Barrett, Director of Alice’s Garage. The aim of the project is to address the difficulties (including abuse and discrimination) that LGBTI elders face on the basis of their LGBTI identities.
10 Questions to Ask About LGBTI Residential Aged Care
This brochure is designed to help you when deciding which residential aged care home meets your needs.
Safeguarding the End of the Rainbow
This guide tailored for older LGBTI community members on how to plan for future care and medical needs, finances and estate, and funeral and burial wishes.
MindOUT Webinar - Introduction to LGBTI Mental Health
There has been increasing recognition of LGBTI populations within mental health and suicide prevention, and work has begun to ensure that programs and services are inclusive of and accessible to LGBTI people.
Preliminary Results of the Coping with Marriage Equality Debate Survey
Between 16 October to 14 November, independent think-tank The Australia Institute and LGBTIQ+ Health Australia ran a questionnaire as part of a study to assess the effect of the Postal Survey on the LGBTIA community and its allies.
Aged Care Diversity Framework
The Aged Care Diversity Framework is a high-level document that provides guidance to service providers, consumers, government and peak bodies on how to adequately address the specific needs of all people with diverse characteristics and life experiences.
MindOUT Webinar - Barriers to Healthcare Experienced by Trans Young People
This webinar outlines the issues faced by trans young people accessing medical and mental health services in Australia.
MindOUT Webinar - Nonsuicidal Self-Injury within LGB Communities
Why do people self-injure? The urge to cut, scratch, rub, tear and burn our skin seems in direct contrast to our innate instincts of self-preservation and survival.
Timeline of LGBTI ageing & aged care in Australia
This page provides a very brief timeline of LGBTI ageing & aged care in Australia. We acknowledge those who have worked for decades towards the gains that we are beginning to see today.
MindOUT Webinar - LGBTIQ+ Young People’s Mental Health Help Seeking and Digital Cultures
This webinar considers how health services, including mental health services, could better accommodate the needs of young people with diverse gender and sexual identities.
The provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition. Joint Standing Committee on the NDIS – Mental Health Terms of Reference 2017.
As part of the committee’s inquiry into the implementation, performance and governance of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), the committee will inquire into the provision of services under the NDIS for people with psychosocial disabilities related to a mental health condition.