MindOUT Webinar - Transgender People in the Northern Territory
This presentation delivers an overview of Dr Kerry’s book: Trans Dilemmas. Living in Australia’s Remote Areas and in Aboriginal Communities, published by Routledge in September 2017.
Annual Report 2016-2017
This is LGBTIQ+ Health Australia's Annual Report for the financial year 2016-2017.
Darlington Statement: Joint Consensus Statement from the Intersex Community
The Darlington Statement is a joint consensus statement by Australian and Aotearoa/New Zealand intersex organisations and independent advocates, signed in March 2017.
MindOUT Webinar - Online Panel Discussion: The Progression of LGBTI Populations within Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy, Policy and Programmes
LGBTI people and communities have been slowly gaining increased recognition of their mental health and suicide outcomes, however, LGBTI populations are still relatively invisible in mental health and suicide prevention strategies, policies and frameworks, and thus excluded from project and programmes responses.
MindOUT Webinar - An Introduction to the LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy
This webinar describes, explores and discusses the details of the content of the 2016 National LGBTI Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Strategy that was developed for an Australian context to systematically address the dramatic over-representation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and intersex people in measures of suicidality and mental ill-health.
MindOUT Webinar - An Australian First: Research Factors Related to Suicide Death in LGBT People: Implications for Practice
This webinar will discuss results of a research project that investigated factors related to suicide death in LGBT populations in Australia.
Anti-Homophobia & Inclusion Framework for Australian Sports
This Anti-homophobia & Inclusion Framework sets out a structure for the development of anti-homophobia & inclusion policies to be adopted by five peak sports bodies; the Australian Rugby Union, Australian Football League, National Rugby League, Football Federation Australia and Cricket Australia.
MindOUT Webinar - Facilitating an Anxiety Support Group for LGBTI People
Way Ahead Mental Health Association of NSW facilitates Anxiety Disorders Support Group that comprise of a small number of people who come together to share personal experiences and information in a safe, friendly and supportive environment, led by a trained volunteer group facilitator.
Webinar: LGBTI People and the NDIS
MindOUT and People with Disability Australia (PWDA) have worked together to create a webinar resource targeting LGBTI people who are or will be accessing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Carer Gateway: The Starting Point for Carer Advice
Each day in Australia, millions of people provide care and assistance to another person needing help to go about their everyday lives.
MindOUT Webinar - Considerations when Providing Mental Health First Aid to an LGBTIQ Person
This webinar will present the guidelines that were developed by Mental Health First Aid Australia and the University of Melbourne, with assistance from the National LGBTI Health Alliance, MindOUT project.
Developing an LGBTI Inclusive Practice Policy
This factsheet provides a list of key issues and questions that service providers should use to cover in their policies to ensure that their service meets the needs of older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or intersex.
Supporting Same-Sex Attracted Gender Diverse Young People Multicultural Multifaith Backgrounds
This research project involved conducting a case study analysis of the needs of same-sex attracted and gender diverse young people of multicultural and multifaith backgrounds, and how these needs can be addressed by government, and by their cultural and religious communities.
MindOUT Webinar - Intersex Human Rights: Addressing Harmful Practices and Rhetoric of Change
In the “Reproductive Health Matters” Journal Morgan Carpenter wrote a piece entitled Intersex Human Rights: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change.
MindOUT Webinar - Understanding Intersex
This webinar session aims to develop individual practitioner and organisational capacity to understand and provide inclusive psychosocial services to their clients with intersex variations.
MindOUT Webinar - Mental Health and Suicide Prevention for LGBTIQ People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds
Regrettably, a significant body of research supports the view that LGBTIQ individuals have a higher per capita level of risk of mental illness, self-harm and suicide. For a variety of factors their life journey can be much more difficult to navigate.
Working with LGBTI People: Data Integrity
Inclusive and appropriate data collection promotes data integrity. When we have data integrity, we can increase social cohesion and improve health outcomes.
Working with LGBTI People: People & Families
LGBTI families face stigma in society and sometimes from healthcare providers.
Working with LGBTI People: Young People
The majority of LGBTI young people consider themselves to be happy and satisfied with their lives, however they are also more likely to experience social exclusion, isolation, rejection, bullying, discrimination, inequality, harassment and violence due to stigma regarding LGBTI people.
Working with LGBTI People: Intimate Partner and Family Violence
While we know that intimate partner and family violence are risks in any relationship, for LGBTI people it may be more invisible because of the compounding impact of LGBTI relationships being less recognisable to service providers.
Working with LGBTI People: Alcohol & Drugs
Members of LGBTI communities use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs at elevated rates compared to the broader population and are
significantly more likely to experience drug dependence.
Working with LGBTI People: Elders
Resource for how health practitioners, organisations and service providers can increase inclusive practice to meet the needs of LGBTI Elders.
MindOUT Webinar - LGBTI People, Alcohol and Drugs and Mental Health
LGBTI people have specific experiences when it comes to alcohol and drug use and mental health.
MindOUT Youth Project Report
The MindOUT! Youth Project brought together ten LGBT specialist youth services from around Australia to document and celebrate the amazing work they already do with LGBT young people.
Choosing an LGBTI Inclusive Ageing and Aged Care Service
A multipurpose tool to support people who are beginning to access ageing & aged care services. The factsheet provides a series of questions that can help people to decide if a service is LGBTI inclusive.
Annual Report 2015-2016
This is the National LGBTI Health Alliance’s Annual Report for the financial year 2015-2016.
White Paper: ‘Making the Count: Addressing Data Integrity Gaps in Australian Standards for Collecting Sex and Gender Information’
The 2016 Standard for Sex and Gender Variables has yet to incorporate some key recommendations made to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia and participating community organisations.
Resilient Individuals: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Intersex Rights
Equality and freedom from discrimination are fundamental human rights that belong to all people, irrespective of sexual orientation, gender identity or because they are intersex.
The Facts: Elder Abuse and Domestic Violence
This factsheet provides some information for LGBTI elders regarding elder abuse and domestic violence, including a number of contacts to seek additional help.
Annual Report 2014-2015
This is the National LGBTI Health Alliance’s Annual Report for the financial year 2014-2015.